Re-Place project presented at the 4th conference of Romanian Network for Migration Studies
The 4th conference of the Romanian Network for Migration Studies (RoMig), held on September – 7th – 8th, 2023, focused on the concept of Migration Dialogue and aimed to explore the existing and potential connections between research, art, civil society organizations, and policy makers, in relation to migration.
Researcher Monica Șerban, from the Romanian Academy, Research Institute for the Quality of Life (RIQL), had the opportunity to present the Re-Place Project, as part of the “ongoing research projects” session, on the last day of the conference.

The presentation showcased the consortium, the workplan and the objectives of the project, as well as the expected outcomes, and how these can be achieved through participative research, in order to improve community quality of life in non-metropolitan areas throughout Europe.
For further information about the conference, please visit