Gendering training day
On the January 18th the Re-Place consortium organized an online workshop themed “The space of doubt: an intersectional approach to rethink knowledge production in research”, where participants could reflect on their research practice from an intersectional feminist perspective.
The ideia for the workshop was based on the fact that It is important to stress that there is no methodology that will unequivocally ensure against any kind of gender, race, age, class, etc. biases in research. The workshop, therefore, made it possible to identify relevant points of reflection and proposes knowledge-generating strategies that challenge asymmetric and inequitable knowledge constructions. It was grounded in the idea that it is crucial to dedicate space and time to question the very basis of our assumptions and strategies in research. We worked with the participants’ ongoing research projects to reflect on processes, and through this, acquired methodological and analytical tools. The references of the workshop come mostly from feminist literature and practice from Central-Eastern and Southern Europe, and Latin America, including rural and Roma feminism. We have collectively reflected on reflexivity, positionality, and language in research. We have also thinked of the possible applications of engaged, collaborative and multimodal approaches, their potential and their limits. We’ve worked with horizontal and experiential learning opening up the research processes and personal reflections in peer-to-peer conversations.
This workshop was facilitated by Kitti Baracsi, an educator, researcher, curator and facilitator of collective learning-based community and cultural initiatives. She is an Atlantic Fellow for Social and Economic Equity. Her main focus is on urban inequalities, feminist collective practices and rethinking knowledge production. With a background in critical pedagogies and ethnographic research, since 2006, she has been involved in education and community work with marginalised communities, and in research on education, housing, gender and migration in Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain. Since 2014, she has been working on collective research and creative interventions with children and young people in Hungary, Italy, Spain and Portugal (periferias dibujadas). She has been involved in feminist research groups and editorial initiatives, as well as community initiatives, most of them led by Roma and migrant women. She is the co-founder of the TuTela Feminist Learning Network and the Mujeres Errantes group.

Online workshop participants

Brainstorming ideias from the workshop