IMISCOE workshop “Left-Behind Areas and Mobilities”
Last July, at the IMISCOE conference, we successfully hosted our workshop titled “Left Behind Areas and Mobilities”. The event brought together representatives from over 13 projects focused on these critical themes, highlighting the immense potential for cooperation and synergy.
A unique “speed dating” exercise allowed participants to quickly familiarize themselves with each other’s work, jotting down keywords after each brief conversation. These keywords were then used to create a large word cloud, organized by themes. Notable themes that emerged included Structural Challenges vs. Assets, Socio-Spatial Mobilities, Labels and Terminology, Demigranticizing, Temporality, Emotions and Memories, Contextual Factors, and Framing. The workshop concluded with a series of recommendations for future collaboration, including the development of panels and workshops for upcoming conferences and the pursuit of collective publications.