The adhesion of “Riabitare l’Italia” as End User to the Horizon Re-Place Project becomes a fruitful opportunity to deepen knowledge of the political and cultural project of the Association through the words of its Director, Sabrina Lucatelli.
Researcher Astrid Safina, from the Italian Re-Place partner, Sapienza University of Rome, was present as a participatory observant in the third edition of the “Scuola di Montagna” held in the inner mountain area of Val Pellice, Piedmont. The Mountain School consisted of a 3-day (June 28th – June 30th) training and orientation residency for twenty future mountain dwellers.
Last July, at the IMISCOE conference, we successfully hosted our workshop titled “Left Behind Areas and Mobilities”. The event brought together representatives from over 13 projects focused on these critical themes, highlighting the immense potential for cooperation and synergy.
On July 10th, 2024, Re-Place principal investigator Jennifer McGarrigle participated in the RSA Regions Cities Industry Webinar Series, contributing to the session entitled “Beyond ‘Left Behind Places’: Findings of a Cross-National Research Project.”
On the 10th of July, Alexandra Deliu and Mădălina Manoilă, members of the Romanian team, delivered a presentation of the Re-Place project as part of the international seminar Talking about marginality, its consequences and ways out, organized at ICCV (Bucharest, Romania)
On 11th July this year, Re-Place member Amandine Desille facilitated a workshop on visual methods at the Graduate Conference of the NCCR – on the move in Neuchatel.
Re-Place researchers from Latvia and Romania met and collaborated in Northern Ireland to represent the project within the rural migration/immobility trends.
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The Re-Place project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no. 101094087.
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Replace Project.